
electronic truck scale

Design of automatic repair sensor control system


Design of automatic repair sensor control system

  • 2024-06-12 14:54:45
Design of automatic repair sensor control system

The block diagram of the weighing repair control system is shown in Figure 3, which is mainly divided into electrical. Source module, STM32 module, 5 V reference voltage source module, ADC

step sampling module, motor drive module, communication module and MCGS human-machine

Interface. Function parameters use the modbus RTU protocol, communicated via Module and MCGS industrial touch screen for human-computer interaction. Testing Department Using 3-channel synchronous sampling circuit. Respectively collecting the bridge output

Differential mode voltage, bridge output voltage, and differential mode voltage of 2.5 V. sampling. The circuit and sensor wiring diagram is shown in Figure 4. 5 V reference voltage source as. Is the excitation power supply for the bridge. At the same time, through the voltage dividing resistors R 1 and R 2 , we get. to an intermediate reference voltage of 2.5 V for the output voltage across the bridge. Measurement After collecting the voltage data, the data should be filtered.

and voltage unit conversion, these voltage values are sent to the repair program, according to the repair. The parameter control circuit set in the complex process drives the motor, and the motor drives the repair. The mechanical structure exerts reverse pressure on the sensor. After the repair process. Now repair the sensor. Use a computer to record the single-ended signals output by the sensor during the repair process

signal, differential signal voltage value, and its waveforms are shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7 respectively. Figure 7 The peak and valley values in the sensor differential output voltage waveform are shown in Table 1. The differential voltage peak and valley voltage values during the repair process. Through the repair process data waveform diagram and the repair process differential voltage wave. The peak-to-trough voltage value table shows that the repair process was performed 33 times. After 16 times of pressure application, the peak EP K of the sensor becomes apparent Variety. It can be seen from the peak EP K waveform (Figure 8) during the repair process that. The peak EP K gradually approaches the target set value. After going through the repair procedure. The sensor's static zero output voltage meets the set parameters.