
electronic truck scale

A method of repairing overloaded load cells


A method of repairing overloaded load cells

  • 2024-06-12 14:40:52
A method of repairing overloaded load cells

 The weight sensor is a type that converts the weight signal into an electronic signal.

device. Among them, the bridge load cell consists of four strain gauges. A bridge is formed to sense mechanical deformation and convert it into a voltage difference signal for output. Depend on. Because of its relatively low cost, simple and reliable processing circuit, it is a wide range of applications. With the transformation of electronic information technology in traditional industries. With the in-depth development, the demand for weighing sensors is showing an increasing trend.

At the same time, the number of scrapped load cells is also increasing. After research

It was found that the main reason for sensor scrapping was the handling during use.

Operation errors, mechanical failures, etc., resulting in sensor overload. Through reciprocity

Analysis of the scrapped weighing sensor found that in the state of overload damage, the weighing. The internal circuit structure of the sensor is complete, and the elastomer undergoes plastic deformation. Causes the sensor output voltage to exceed the weighing instrument without load. The measuring range of the meter will cause the electronic weighing system to not work properly. Conventional practice is to scrap it, but it can actually be reversed. The directional deformation causes the voltage output to return to near zero when no load is applied. The sub-weighing system continues to operate normally.

A sensor damaged by overload, with an applied reverse force. Make it undergo reverse deformation, but the magnitude of F imposed is unknown and requires. Experiment gradually. To repair a damaged sensor, first perform the repair. Before resuming, make sure the electrical structure of the load cell is intact. The step can be judged by simultaneously detecting the single-ended voltage and differential mode voltage of the strain circuit. Break. When the applied reverse force is appropriate, the mechanical deformation reaches a certain degree, and when the force is removed, the elastic body can basically return to its original state. The state of the sensor near its zero point output. However, if the effect exerted. The force exceeds the strength that the material can withstand when it breaks, sensor mechanical material will break and cannot be restored.