

What should I pay attention to during the use of electronic hanging scales?


What should I pay attention to during the use of electronic hanging scales?

  • 2023-03-25 10:32:26
What should I pay attention to during the use of electronic hanging scales?

Electronic hanging scales are electronic balancers that make objects in a suspension state for their quality (weight) metering. So what safety problems should be paid attention to during the use of electronic hanging scale?

1. The electronic hanging scale is strictly forbidden to stay below when using it. If necessary, keep a certain safe distance. Basic functions are recommended to use remote control to operate. When buying, try to choose wirelessly passing electronic hanging scales.

2. It is strictly forbidden to directly collide with the display window of the electronic hanging scale. When the product is damaged, please contact the manufacturer for maintenance in time.

3. The weight of the items of the items is strictly forbidden to exceed the rated large number of the electronic hanging scales itself, and the overload is prohibited. It is recommended to consult the manufacturer in detail when buying, and choose an electronic hanging scale suitable for your own needs.

4. Electronic hanging scales should be maintained and checked frequently to ensure the safety of their use. The basic inspection items are as follows:

A. Whether the fastener is loose.

B. Whether the hook, the rings and other structural parts are deformed and worn.

C. Whether parts have cracks or metal fatigue.

D. Is there a drop of opening? If there is a situation, please stop using and send it to the dealer or the company for maintenance immediately.

5. When the electronic hanging scale is not used for a long time, please remove the battery to prevent the battery from damaging and affect the internal electronic component.

Failure investigation of electronic hanging scales at work:

Before practicing it, we must first understand the fault phenomenon and usage from the user so as to do it. For example, understanding the use of site conditions, environmental conditions, and whether there are overweight in the use of electronic hanging scales, and whether there is a collision in the scale and instrument. First, according to the normal usage method, make the scale in the working state (the scale can be hung on the crane).

1. Check whether there are abnormal sounds in the scale of the scales, whether there are alarm, and whether the alarm interval is regular.

2. Whether the electronic hanging scale body or instrument has abnormal odor, such as transformers, plastic wires, printing boards, etc., may emit a great abnormal odor due to circuit fever and burning.

3. Look at the display status of the display, whether the appearance is damaged, and whether the component is broken, virtual welding, etc.

4. Touch integrated films and electronic components, feel whether the temperature is too high, and replace it with a good device that can be used directly by suspicious components. This method is particularly effective for the failure of the large machine current.

5. Whether the function of the electronic hanging scale is normal, whether the keys are flexible, it can be listened and watching, and at the same time, it can quickly reduce the range of finding faults and lay the foundation for the next step.