
Load Cell

Nonlinear error analysis of load cell


Nonlinear error analysis of load cell

  • 2024-06-14 11:20:42
Nonlinear error analysis of load cell

The biggest feature of sensor technology is the continuous incorporation of new technologies, new materials and new processes, the development of new varieties and the expansion of new functions. In me
Under the strong traction of the national Internet of Things + industry and artificial intelligence technology, sensor technology has entered the transformation and development from the traditional type to the full new type
At the critical stage, the future development of sensor technology will show trends such as miniaturization, digitalization, multi-function, intelligence and networking
The sensor industry will usher in a golden development period.
In order to adapt to the new requirements of the Internet of Things, "Made in China 2025" and artificial intelligence technology for load cells, domestic and foreign markets are cited
The leading weighing sensor manufacturing enterprises have carried out structural design mode innovation, manufacturing process mode innovation, and formed a digital name
The heavy sensor technology system and basic process support system meet the needs of some products transformation and upgrading. Load cell from traditional to
The transformation of the whole new type of development, in essence, it is based on the market concept of a system and mechanism reform, but also to participate in market competition
The inevitable choice. In the future, domestic and foreign weighing sensor manufacturers will focus on improving the technical content of weighing sensors in the market.
Expand the application range, reduce production costs, and meet the needs of the Internet of Things, "Made in China 2025" and artificial intelligence technology. To this end, must
It is necessary to deeply study and analyze the errors caused by the relevant characteristics of the load cell, and accurately analyze some limiting factors to find out the energy

Various methods to reduce the error generated by these characteristics.

The most important mechanical part of the load cell is the elastic element, whose function is the reaction of the applied load and the action of the load at the same time
Concentrate on an independent, preferably uniform strain field for attaching resistance strain gauges. The ideal elastic element should be characterized by load
The load P and strain ε have a strict linear relationship. The difficulty to achieve this goal lies in structural design and calculation and some economic constraints. Strictly speaking, the conversion relationship between the load P borne by the load sensor and the strain ε of the elastic element is nonlinear, which causes nonlinear factors
Many, such as the nonlinearity of elastic components; Unstable friction between the elastic element and the indenter introducing the load and the base pad bearing the load
Friction; The local stress concentration interferes with the strain zone, and the change of the geometric size, the stress point and the force arm of the elastic element under the action of load.
The former can be through the correct selection of elastic element materials, reasonable selection of heat treatment process, as well as the introduction of the load of the indenter, bearing the load
The bottom pad adopts frictionless design to avoid the highest stress point and stress concentration outside the strain zone of the elastic element. The latter is elasticity
Under the influence of element area effect and Poisson's ratio effect, the elastic element is reversible due to the change of geometric size or the change of force point and force arm after loading
Regular nonlinear errors must be solved by linear compensation.

The strain stability of elastic elements is closely related to the metal materials used, and only a good metal material and a good metal material are selected
Reasonable heat treatment process can improve the stability of elastic element strain, which is the basis and key to reduce the nonlinear error of load cell.
The main factors affecting the nonlinear error of load cell are:
(1) The structural design of elastic elements is unreasonable, the strain degree in the strain zone is too high, and there are maximum stress points or stress sets outside the strain zone
As a result, the deformation is large, which is bound to be accompanied by a certain degree of nonlinear influence;
(2) The design and calculation of the strain zone of the elastic element do not conform to the diffusion principle of Saint-Venant force, the stress distribution is not uniform, and there is contact stress
(3) Integral or integrated structural elastic elements, poor rigidity in the supporting area or unreasonable flexible isolation design, resulting in inherent linear poor;
(4) The influence of the load bearing and loading boundary conditions of the elastic element is mainly the bottom supporting area, the fixed rigidity of the root, the pressure pad and the pressure head
The design and selection of the surface shape, hardness and friction coefficient, thread processing accuracy and thread meshing area when the thread transmits the load are unreasonable,
Additional load and eccentric load are introduced.
(5) Improper selection of metal materials and heat treatment process specifications for elastic components makes the hardness of the strain zone too high or too low, and the material fails to reach
To the elastic properties of the design, the comprehensive properties of the material did not meet the relevant requirements equivalent to functional materials;
(6) There are some details errors in the key manufacturing process, such as the thick adhesive layer of the resistance strain gauge, which affects the elastic element
Effective transfer of component strain; The temperature and holding time of the strain adhesive curing and post-curing are wrong, and the strain adhesive cannot cure sufficiently to make it elastic
The sex modulus does not reach the predetermined requirement;
(7) The surface protection and sealing material quality of small range elastic elements is poor or the coating process is unreasonable, too thick, too hard to participate in the stiffness, straight
Influence strain beam deformation;
(8) The linear compensation accuracy of cylindrical elastic elements is low, and the temperature coefficient of semiconductor linear compensation resistance strain gauge is large or linear compensation
Fine resistance precision is low, the temperature coefficient is large;
(9) Double shear beam type (bridge type) elastic element at both ends of the fastening bolt deformation or loosening, gasket deformation, base stiffness is small, etc., can be
Generate nonlinear error;
(10) For the welding seal structure, the material, shape, thickness and welding process of the welding diaphragm affect the sensitivity of the diaphragm shunt
The degree is large and does not have a linear relationship with the load.